Carpeting can make your home cozy and inviting. It's the perfect spot to get down and play with pets or children. And, with so many colors and patterns, it can easily become a wonderful design feature of your room. Unfortunately, carpet doesn't last forever. The average carpet has a lifespan of anywhere from five to fifteen years. If your carpet looks worn out, it may be time for a replacement. 

How can you tell if you need to choose new comfy flooring for your space? These six simple signs are fail-proof and will help determine if it's time to roll up the rug and lay down something new. 

Six Signs That Can Signal You Need New Carpet 

Your carpet's lifespan is a product of many variables, such as the type of carpet, fibers, and cushion. How much regular use it receives can also come into play. Regardless of those factors, these signs often mean it is time for replacement. 

1. Wear and tear. If your carpet has worn-down tracks where your children or pets typically run, rips, tears, or major signs of wear, it's time to rip it up. Some fibers can mat and lose shape, while others break down, leaving them on your clothing or shoes. If your family is afraid to play on the carpet or if you have to rearrange furniture to disguise defects, consider replacing your carpet with a new one that will be safer, healthier, and more attractive. 

2. There are stains. Many stains can be removed with the use of special products and tools. You can always position a chair or table over them if they don't come up. However, if the sheer number of stains is starting to make your carpet color indiscernible, don't hesitate to replace it! Remember, even treated stains that are no longer visible can often penetrate the deeper layers of your carpet, causing buildup that could become a health hazard. 

3. It smells. Carpets are composed of fibers that can trap odors. Just like your clothes, these fabrics need cleaning. Unfortunately, cleaning a carpet with an odor or substance that has penetrated deep into the pad or subfloor is nearly impossible. Lingering, stubborn odors that just won't go away could signal it's time for a complete carpet overhaul. 

4. Allergies issues. Suppose you're noticing allergies inside your home, such as a runny nose, itchy eyes, or sneezing. In that case, your carpet could be the culprit. Over time, allergens can accumulate in the fibers and become difficult to remove. Usually, this is one reason it's a good idea to replace carpeting every ten to fifteen years. 

5. Damage from flooding. This one may seem like a no-brainer, but you must replace carpeting that has been soaked for more than 72 hours. Often, this is in the case of a flood or severe water damage. Mold and mildew can flourish on and under your carpet, making it hazardous to your health. The safest and simplest treatment is to replace the carpeting entirely.

6. It's old! Many manufacturers stand behind their carpets for around ten years. After this, it can show signs of wear and tear, break down, and retain harmful particles. If you're still walking around on the shag avocado green carpet installed in the 1970s, do your family a favor and replace it! Everyone will be happier and healthier. 

Carpeting is a cozy, family-friendly option. But it's not your only choice. If your carpet needs to be replaced, PT Flooring can help you find the best flooring fit for your home. 

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