Let’s be honest, after hours spent on HGTV and watching YouTube “how to” videos you probably feel like you know a thing or two.

Perhaps you’ve even recently duplicated a stylish shelf for your kitchen that you pinned on Pinterest. But when should you opt to say no to DIY and hire a professional?

If you find yourself entertaining the idea of taking on a large project, such as a new floor installation, make sure to consider these factors before diving in head first.

And if you’re unsure of where to start, or need a little advice on materials, design or process, give the team at PT Floors in Rhode Island a call. We’re always happy to help.

Budget for your Rhode Island Hardwood Flooring

Determine what you can afford both on the DIY and the professional side of the equation. There are many types of wood with varying price points, so take the time to determine how much square footage is needed and the cost associated with each choice per square foot.

Keep in mind that if you choose to install hardwood floors on your own, you will need to factor in any costs associated with the tools necessary to complete the job (such as an air compressor, saw and nail gun).

Thinking you can install your floors is one thing, but hiring a professional who already owns the necessary equipment to complete the project will most likely save you in both time and frustration.

Thinking a DIY hardwood floor installation is simply going to save you some major cash might actually hurt you in the end. Consider a budget breakdown that clearly calculates the cost of using a professional compared to your own expertise.

Timeline – expectations vs reality

Are you a busy parent who works during the week and spends the weekends with the kids? It might be very difficult to install floors in a home with 3 kids and a dog and have it completed within a week.

If you can spare the time and are not in a hurry a DIY floor might be a better option for you. If your extra time would be better spent with family or spent outside of your home then you may want to hire a professional that can get the job done, fast, efficiently and on budget.

Time is money and the longer your project takes could result in regret of ever having another DIY idea again. Really ask yourself how long you can go without your family room floor being complete. If the timeline in your head is causing you to think twice then hiring a professional to install your floors is probably your best option.

Closing Thoughts

Start with the pros, such as the team at PT Floors in Rhode Island. Your best advice will come from professionals who have been in the business and know the product. Ask for a quote so you make the best decision for your home. A quote is a great place to start to compare to your DIY plans and needs.

Do your homework if you plan on installing flooring on your own, and make sure you really know what you’re getting yourself into. Knowledge is power, and the more you can learn before you start the job will only benefit you in the end.

If you really want a professional to install your floors but the cost is out of your budget, try to negotiate a deal and ask if they’ll reduce the cost of installation and labor if you remove your old floors yourself.

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