For the active household

Combines beauty, performance and low maintenance in a sustainable package. Armstrong has used the same natural ingredients to make their linoleum floors for over 100 years.

Vinyl Flooring


Unlocking the Elegance: Exploring Hardwood Flooring Options for Your Living Room

Choosing the right type of flooring for your living room is an important decision. You want a material that will stand up to lots of traffic year after year and look aesthetically appealing. A long-running favorite is hardwoods. Known for their timeless appeal and strength, they’re a solid option for your living room.

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Flooring 101: Essential Tips for Properly Maintaining Your New Floors

We all want to keep our new floors looking as fresh and beautiful as the day they were installed. However, a home is meant to be lived in, and floors often receive regular wear and tear. The good news is that these tips and tricks can help you properly maintain your flooring, keeping it looking and feeling fabulous for as long as possible.

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