Let’s face it: doing chores around the house is nobody’s favorite thing to do. But there are few cleaning jobs as tiresome or as frustrating as scrubbing the floors. It seems that the moment the floors are spotless and in pristine condition, something immediately occurs to make them dirty again.

On top of that, winter is in full swing. That means that those messy floors will become even grimier, as snow, dirt, and other winter filth are constantly brought into your home.

We at PT Floors are just like you: we like a clean floor, and we admit that there are certain times of the year that keeping our floor clean is harder than others. While it’s certainly a frustrating problem, luckily, it is a problem with a few quick and simple solutions.

Here are a few cleaning tips that can get you and your floors through this winter season.

A Walk-off Matt will Go A long Way

While it sounds like common sense, having a sturdy matt outside of your home’s entry door will make all the difference between a clean and a dirty floor this winter. A proper doormat will hold on to excessive moisture and mud that would normally be dragged into your house. Now you just have to get your family to actually use it whenever they enter…

You Can Never Have Enough Mats-Even Inside

No matter how many times your family members pound their boots on the outdoor mat outside the entryway, let’s be honest: some moisture and snow is still bound to get in your house. But having another mat inside your entryway will greatly eliminates that problem.

Create Storage for Snowy Shoes and Boots

There’s nothing worse than wet shoes and boots just sitting on your floor. Simple solution: create a place for those wet items to be placed once they are in the house. We recommend a sturdy, plastic bin or container, one that can be easily placed by the door, and cleaned once the items have dried.

Always Have a Vacuum Cleaner Ready

While having the outside streets salted means we can drive safely in winter, the presence of salt in our home creates a messy issue. Vacuum up salt immediately to ensure it doesn’t seep in the lining of your floors. Once it’s in there, it’s not coming out any time soon.

These simple cleaning tips will not only maintain a clean home this winter, but your sanity as well. You got this. You will not get overwhelmed this year. This is the winter where you will take charge: you aren’t going to let a little bit of snow stop you from having a clean floor.

For more information on how you can keep your floor spotless, trust your friends and experts at PT Floors.

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